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How a Video Resume is a win-win for both Job-Seekers and Recruiters

  • A video resume empowers both the prospectors and the seekers with freedom, personalisation, and convenience.

    An interview trope iterated to the point of becoming a gimmick is the candidate insisting that the interviewers let she or he tell them what they know rather than the latter question them on what they think they should know (or test what they do not know). The fact that this oft-repeated excuse is, more often than not, misused does not take away from the virtue of its genuineness in many instances. A video-resume bypasses the candidate’s grievances about the limited transparency or disproportionate scope of recruitment judgement criteria as well as the conflict between mutual preferences. Further, the obvious volume and detail limitations of a resume are a botheration for candidates and recruiters alike. By letting the candidate wisely choose his presentation and vesting in him the prerogative to expose his best self, employers can elicit the most relevant and decisive markers from the candidate.

    The very virtue of the fact that the proportions of and the distribution within a resume are self-chosen not only empower the candidate with freedom and potential but also provide an additional meta-datum to the recruiter to adjudge the former upon. If a candidate chose to include or apportion more time to a certain irrelevant or trivial-seeming aspect or detail of their candidature, the recruiter can reflect on their prudence. A video resume thus helps overcome the perceived friction between recruiter and candidate priorities. The candidate serves all that he deems is important, and the recruiter gets to pick what he agrees with, at times being positively surprised by an innovative ingredient. The real conflict or mismatch is between the reasonably stereotypical but time-saving judgement criteria of the recruiters, who in a bid to devise a convenient means to swiftly screen candidates adhere to general, traditional elimination cut-offs, and the exceptional maverick talent-sets of a rare few candidates, the square lids in the round holes, the ones that count in the long-run. Great leaders and innovators of modern times have more often come out from candidates who aren’t linear progressors and don’t mark off most of the conventional qualification checkboxes, making any recruitment process a bargain between quantitative efficiency and qualitative exceptionalism. This trade off of finding a handful of uncharacteristic, unassumingly dressed heroes versus quickly filling in an army is surmounted by Video Resumes in conjugation with AI-based matching. Recruiters no longer need compromise on either front – the quest for their next rare, golden "misfit troublemaker" and the economically-convenient filling of vacancies, en masse through sweeping recruitment drives.

    A self-introduction empowers the candidate with the freedom to express themselves. With this entitlement of freedom, comes full responsibility. A candidate cannot shrug off the blame of a bad response by alleging that a tougher question was asked to him, since a video resume is simply a rich, comprehensive yet succinct response to the classic “Tell me about Yourself” – the simplest and most fundamental of questions that despite years of indiscriminate deployment has hardly worn out and continues to be an interview staple. In this manner, a video resume not just ensures an even playing field, but an open-playing field where the only limitation is a reasonable cap of time. The time a candidate devotes to each point in their resume and the qualitative aspects of the manner they present them with convey their suitability for a role. A video resume thus empowers a candidate by enabling them to get their vital points across. Video Resumes when supplemented with AI-based matching can empower both the candidate and recruiter, matching them based on what both deem important. That being said, as seasoned hiring managers would tell you, recruiters can on occasions be surprised by a candidate’s assertions of what they think makes them right for a job and be compelled to revise some of the selection criteria they came along with. It is not unheard of for a candidate to have displayed a unique skill that the recruiter might have not taken into prior consideration. It is not uncommon for recruiters to close a vacancy with someone who did not possess the exact set of qualifications and skills that they initially set out as mandatory. Hence, the video resume can also serve as a learning novelty for recruiters, breaking the monotony of banal textual platitudes, and disrupting the hiring process for the better. This facilitates the ready closing of positions and despite being a qualitatively-considerate procedure involving multiple-parameters is still super-efficient and readily scalable using the aid of Machine Learning. With its ability to faithfully present a well-rounded and transparent picture of one’s true personality and candidature, a video resume diminishes the chances of getting false-positives or false-negatives with respect to both the recruiter’s desired skillsets and job criteria as well as the candidate’s job role expectations. All in all, this can potentially save companies the massive losses accrued due to bad hires. It is thus no wonder that video resumes are disrupting the hiring management sector.

    By its nature, a video resume lets both the candidate and the recruiter freely exercise their discretion in most regards and automatically leads to an effortlessly accurate matching process in any recruitment scenario. It enables both parties concerned to enjoy their will and fastidiousness with the choice of traits without any mutual clash. It is thus an empowering choice, no matter which side of the table you are seated at.
  • July 10, 2021  by biofie content team
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